Timeline of Events

North Carolina Marriage Records begins in 1870 for Greene County. All marriages that took place before then are from family records. If a woman was previously married, her maiden name is italicized while her previous married name is capitalized. 

Note: Some births listed may not have been in Greene County. I have taken the dates form marriage records, assuming that they may have been born in the county. As I continue to research the family, I will remove out of county births from this list. 

1663 - King Charles II issues a substantial land grant, allowing settlers to begin moving into the area.
1710 - Greene County is first settled by white immigrants from Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Many settlers were killed, driven off, or tortured by the Tuscarora.
1711 - John Lawson, an early explorer of the Carolinas, is captured by the Tuscarora, who controlled the area at the time. He was later killed, signaling the beginning of the Tuscarora War.
1713 - Colonel Maurice Moore, being commissioned by the North Carolina colonists, led Yamasee warriors and militia from South Carolina to handle the Tuscarora. His main assault occurred at Fort Neoheroka in modern day Greene County. After three days, his troops defeated the Tuscarora. The defeated tribe emigrated to New York.
1758 - The area now recognized as Greene and Lenoir counties is separated from Johnston County and named Dobbs County for the Royal Governor Arthur Dobbs.
1785-  Apr 4, Moses HART is found living in Dobbs County, NC
1791 - Glasgow County is established, having been annexed from Dobbs County. The Act of 1791 directed that the county cort be held at the house of Benjamin Sheppard of Snow Hill until James Glasgow, William Speight, William Ormond, William Harper, and John Pope should fix a place for building the court house. 
1799 - James Glasgow is charged with making fraudulant land grants. Residents of what was then Glasgow County voted to change the county to honor General Nathanael Greene. 
1800 - Total population of Greene County is 4,218.
         - Joseph BAILEY is born
1804 - Wiley DILDY is born
1810 - Total population of Greene County is 4,867. Snow Hill is the only established town and houses a post office.
1811 - James JACKSON is born to Joseph JACKSON
1815 - Mansina S. BERGERON is born
1817 - Bryant BAKER is born
1820 - Total population of Greene County is 4,533.
         - Elias HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1821 - Elizabeth HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1824 - Barram HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1825 - John WHITLEY is born
1826 - Mary M. HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1828 - Snow Hill is founded. It was named for the white hills (banks) of the Contentnea Creek, which was a main Wilson-to-New Bern trading route. It connects with the Neuse River in New Bern.
         - Martha HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1829 - Joseph BAILEY marries Ava WILLIAMS
1830 - Total population of Greene County is 6,413. Speights Bridge and Hookerton are established as towns with post offices.
         - Susan R. HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1832 - William T. BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Zelota HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1834 - John Henry BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Jesse E. HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1835 - Dorcas BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Tamsey Asley CORBETT is born to Redding CORBETT and Lavinia WOOTEN
1836 - Clarkie BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Alexander C. HART is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1837 - Nidia GRIZZARD is born to Abraham GRIZZARD and Tobitha
1838 - Mary BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Unknown daughter  is born to Jesse HART and Mary Polly SPIVEY
1839 - Winifred BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
1840 - Total population of Greene County is 6,595. Scuffletown is established, but has no post office.
1841 - Benjamin F. BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
1842 - Martha BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Delphia BRITT is born to William BRITT and Sarah BUTTS
1844 - George BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - 3 Dec, Henry Radford HINSON, son of Jesse and Sarah HINSON is born
1846 - David Millard BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - John WHITLEY marries Elizabeth CRISP
         - 15 Jan, Jessie Thomas FORREST is born in Olds
         - 28 Jul, Matilda, age 27, wife of Samuel ORMOND, dies in Hookerton
         - 6 Nov, Thomas J. DAWSON of Lenoir County marries Huldah T. DANIEL 
1847 - William James WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
         - 5 Jul, Gatsey Anne SPEIGHT is born to Micajah SPEIGHT and Patricia MINSHEW
1848 - Jesse James BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Oct, Ashley Edwin WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1849 - Dexter LITTLETON is born to Unknown LITTLETON and Mary HAM
         - Jesse R. BYRD is born to Sherwood BYRD and Pierina
         - Dec, Jesse HART dies
1850 - Total population of Greene County is 6,619. Jonesboro, Fort Dun, and Brown Town are townships with no post office.
         - Calvin BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - William R. ABRAMS is born to Elisha ABRAMS and Mary
         - 13 Apr, Mary Jane PHILLIPS is born
1851 - 5 Feb, John Henry WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
         - Annie S. PIPKIN is born to Unknown PIPKIN and Sarah A. HAM
         - Henry SUGG is born to Nancy SUGG
         - Blount ARTHUR is born to Blount ARTHUR and Susan
1852 - Sarah BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Frank BAKER is born to Unknown BAKER and Eliza BURRESS
         - Elizabeth TAYLOR is born to Samuel TAYLOR and Drucilla
         - Franklin JONES is born to A. DAIL and Sarah JONES
         - John T. SPEARS is born to Mary SPEARS
1853 - Nancy Anne WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1854 - Township of Fountain Hill has a post office.
         - Josiah BAILEY is born to Joseph BAILEY and Ava WILLIAMS
         - Gaston BAKER is born to Bryant BAKER and Rittie
         - Dec, Levi H. WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1855 - Laura PRIDGEN is born to H. PRIDGEN and Eddie
         - Nancy Jane EDWARDS is born to Franklin EDWARDS and Ana
1856 - Ellanor DAIL is born to Thomas Q. DAIL and Jimmey
1857 - Lucy Jane WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
         - Frederick ARTHUR is born to William ARTHUR and Nancy A.
1858 - Nancy S. JONES is born to William D. JONES and Nancy
1859 - Township of Bull Head has a post office.
1860 - Total population of Greene County is 7,925.
         - 16 Sep, Christopher Columbus WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1862 - Armissa Susan J. BOWDEN is born to Benjamin B. BOWDEN and Cathrine
1863 - 1 Feb, Sarah Ellen WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1867 - Wiley Franklin WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1868 - Elizabeth WHITLEY is born to John WHITLEY and Elizabeth CRISP
1869 - Joseph BAILEY dies near Walstonburg
1870 - Total population of Greene County is 8,687. Maysville Township has post office. Fountain Hill and Bull Head no longer recognized on map.
         - 26 Jun, William Henry BROWN marries Olive Holden BRADLEY
         - 16 Nov, Dexter LITTLETON marries Annie S. PIPKIN
1871 - 26 Oct, Hymbrick CHURCHVILLE marries Eliza Jane ORMAND
         - 5 Nov, Anthony STRUTER marries Hannah GUYER
         - 6 Nov, Benjamin PEARSON marries Sarah WARTES
         - 30 Nov, George L. SUGG marries Zilphia J. PRIDGEN
         - 7 Dec, John MAY marries Rosette EDWARDS
         - 13 Dec, John HODGES marries Lewie DUNN
         - 14 Dec, Squire DIXON marries Martha SUGG
         - 16 Dec, Jemmy PATTERSON marries Isabelle PRIDGEN
         - 19 Dec, L. S. HARDY marries Sarah PATRICK
         - 28 Dec, Benjamin A. CARAWAY marries Hattie SPEIGHT
         - 28 Dec, Joseph W. MOORE, marries Margaret Ann S. THORNE
1872 - Charles L. ABERNATHY is born to J. T. ABERNATHY and Annie
         - William E. HINES marries Cornelia RUFF
         - Jan, Lucy TURNER male marries Amanda HARPER
         - 11 Jan, Alford TURNAGE marries Mary Frances SPEIGHT
         - 11 Jan, Jas T. WARD marries Martha Jane SPEIGHT
         - 18 Jan, B. F. McKEEL marries Charity HOWELL
         - 3 Feb, Jesse MURPHY marries Cattie LASSITER
         - 6 Feb, Bryant POTE marries Mary HOBBS
         - 11 Feb, F. S. ERMEL marries Rosa L. DAIL
         - 11 Feb, Parrott MEWBORN marries Selvaizca HARDY
         - 14 Feb, W. R. BRAND marries Laney BUTTS
         - 15 Feb, Levi WALSTON marries Sarah P. DILDY
         - 18 Feb, Green DIXON marries Holland PHILLIPS
         - 11 Mar, Daniel H. HATCH marries Julia PERRY
         - 17 Mar, James MOORE marries Elizabeth WILLIAMS
         - 7 Apr, Richard BARFIELD marries Rosa JONES
         - 8 May, John O. THOMPSON marries Martha REYNOLDS
         - 9 May, Calvin CHURCHVILLE marries Lewesar BROWN
         - 2 Jun, Essex GRISWILL marries Easter MURPHY
         - 13 Jun, Stephen EASON marries Lewison EASON
         - 23 Jun, Worrell WOOTEN marries Tamsey Asley CORBETT
         - 7 Jul, Franklin JONES, 20, marries Ellanor DAIL, 16
         - 15 Aug, John T. SPEARS, 20, marries Delphia BRITT, 30
         - 19 Aug, Frank BAKER, 20, marries Elizabeth TAYLOR, 20
         - 1 Sep, James JACKSON, 61, marries Nidia GRIZZARD, 35
1873 - Minnie MAY is born to William MAY and Nannie
         - 2 Jan, Charles JENKINS marries Margrite BROWN
         - 2 Jan, Alex SUGG marries Sarah Ann HAGANS
         - 23 Jan, Henry SUGG, 22, marries Laura PRIDGEN, 18
1874 - 20 Apr, John James WHITLEY is born to William James WHITLEY and Gatsey Anne SPEIGHT
1875 - Huldah E. SUTTON is born to Richard SUTTON and Mary
1876 - Micajah WHITLEY is born to William James WHITLEY and Gatsey Anne SPEIGHT
         - 1 Mar, John Thomas CARRAWAY, 21, marries Catherine HEATH, 18
         - 14 Mar, Jesse R. BYRD, 27, marries Nancy Heath MOORING
         - 23 Mar, Gaston BAKER, 22, marries Armissa Susan J. BOWDEN, 14
         - 8 Nov, Frederick ARTHUR, 19, marries Nancy S. JONES, 18
         - 24 Dec, Blount ARTHUR, 25, marries Nancy Jane EDWARDS, 21
1877 - 11 Jan, Henry Radford HINSON marries Martha Ann GAY
1878 - 5 Oct, Wiley Oscar WHITLEY is born to William James WHITLEY and Gatsey Anne SPEIGHT
1880 - Total population of Greene County is 10,037. Fieldsboro (modern day Walstonburg) has a post office.
1881 - 15 Apr, Dora WHITLEY is born to William James WHITLEY and Gatsey Anne SPEIGHT
1890 - Total population of Greene County is 10,039.
1895 - 19 Dec, Charles A. ABERNATHY, 23, marries Minnie MAY, 22
1900 - Total population of Greene County is 12,038.
1901 - 28 Sep, Lila M. CORBETT, is born to William CORBETT and Annie
1904 - 20 Sep, Henry Radford HINSON dies
1905 - Wiley Oscar WHITLEY marries Agnes CLARK
         - 18 Jun, William R. ABRAMS marries Huldah E. Sutton MEWBORN
1906 - Mr. H. R. JONES serves as the first ticket and freight agent at the train depot for the railroad that ran through Walstonburg.
         - 31 Dec, James Earl WHITLEY Sr. is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Agnes CLARK
1908 - The Town of Walstonburg is incorporated, but dissolved months later.
         - 9 Sep, William Joseph WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Agnes CLARK
1909 - 3 Mar - The Town of Walstonsburg is officially re-incorporated. Walstonburg was formerally knows as Fieldsboro. 
1910 - Total population of Greene County is 13,083.
         - 24 Oct, Will written for William Bryant MOORING (1839-1911)
1917 - 22 Jul, Wiley Pearson WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
         - 19 Aug, Katie Irene PARRIS is born in Bull Head
1915 - 6 Jan, Dora WHITLEY dies in Speights Bridge
         - 25 Feb, John James WHITLEY dies in Walstonburg
1919 - 16 Jan, Gattie WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1920 - Total population of Greene County is 16,212.
1922 - 15 May, Infant Son is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1923 - 26 Nov, Anna Marie WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1926 - 20 May, William Rudolph WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1928 - 25 May, John Henry WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1929 - 22 Sep, Jean WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1930 - Total population of Greene County is 18,656.
1931 - 5 Mar, Gattie WHITLEY dies
         - 31 May, Evelyn Louise WHITLEY is born to Wiley Oscar WHITLEY and Lila M. CORBETT
1936 - 24 Dec, Wiley Pearson WHITLEY marries Katie Irene PARRIS
1938 - 3 Mar, Audrey Carol WHITLEY is born to Wiley Pearson WHITLEY and Katie Irene PARRIS
1940 - Total population of Greene County is 18,548.
1950 - Total population of Greene County is 18,024.
1958 - 10 Dec, Wiley Oscar WHITLEY dies in Walstonburg
1960 - Total population of Greene County is 16,741.
1970 - Total population of Greene County is 14,967. Town with post offices are Snow Hill, Maury, Hookerton, and Walstonburg. Towns without a post office are Jason, Lizzie, and Ormonsville.

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