Monday, August 2, 2021

Article: "Killed While Asleep At His Tobacco Barn" -- August 5, 1921

The Raleigh News and Observer, August 5, 1921

"William Whitley, prominent merchant and farmer of Walstonburg, 18 miles from Wilson, was shot and killed while asleep at his tobacco barn late last night. No clue to the identity of his slayer has been found. A sheriff's posse with bloodhounds are scouring the country in an effort to apprehend his assailant. Whitley leaves a wife and six children.

The coroner's jury took a recess at noon to await further developments. It is said that domestic trouble was the cause of the tragedy and a man in the neighborhood is suspected.

This is the second assassination to take place in this section in the past few days. Rev. Ennis Pearson was shot from ambush in Taylor's township in this county last week."

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