Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Article: "More Developments in the Walstonburg Murder" -- September 6, 1921

The New Bern Sun Journal, September 6, 1921

"Developments in the confession case of Mrs. Sarah Whitley, of Walstonburg, who admitted she and Tom Hayes hired Wright Rouse, an old colored man with one arm, to killed her husband, Will Whitley on August 3, 1921, for $500, began to come thick and fast yesterday, the most startling fact being that Wright might have been the murderer of who white men, whose bodies were found on the right of way of the Norfolk Southern near Walstonburg, Greene county, in past years, one man being killed some twenty odd years ago and the other more recently. The other big developments of the day in Snow Hill where the three were in jail yesterday was the admission by Wright that the other two in the plot to kill Will Whitley had also planned to have him kill Mrs. Hayes thereby giving the a free hand to live together with Mrs. Whitley and even marry.

Mrs. Whitley Admits It
Wright's admission was also admitted by Mrs. Whitley and Hayes when officers of the law had gotten the confession out of Wright. Mrs. Whitley stated that Wright had told her of the plan to put Mrs. Hayes out of her way so that she could have Tom Hayes all to herself. This development was not expected, and in fact, may have questioned all three of the prisoners in reference to the possibility last Saturday, following Mrs. Whitley's confession to the planning of her husband's death. At that time, she and the others would admit nothing along this line, answering no such plan had been thought of. The latest development has astonished many but has also only been what many had considered to be the truth of the matter. The charge against the three has become all the more damaging and serious with the latest admission of a second murder. Hayes was to get the same amount for this second murder, it is understood.

Still Not Sure
The development that Hayes had probably killed two men in the past astonished the officers in Snow Hill. Hayes has so far kept from a direct admission but it is expected that he will come "across" with the "whole business" today or tomorrow as she will be quizzed and shown no pity in this matter. The confession, placing the killing of Will Whitley, led officers to place the blame for the other two unexplained and yet shadowy deaths at his doors. With this suspicion, talk began to go the rounds and the officers began to get busy. Wright would not admit the charges but said he had been hired to kill Mrs. Hayes, intimating that he had killed other before. 

Officers believe that something definite will be found out today or tomorrow. Mrs. Whitley will be moved today to the Greenville jail to await the criminal term of superior court, criminal section, the second week in December."

Article: "Three Charged With Murder Talk Freely" -- September 5, 1921

The Daily Free Press, September 5, 1921

"Mrs. William Whitley, 37; Thomas Hayes, white farmer, and Wright Rouse, negro farmhand, will make a clean breast of the murder of the woman's husband in the Walstonburg section when they go to trial at Snow Hill, Greene county officials believe, and leave their fates in the hands of the jury. Reports today stated that the prisoners had talked freely of the crime to additional interviewers, their separate accounts corroborating one another. The trial will not be held before December.

The trio, apparently overwhelmed by the detection of the guilt they are alleged to have confessed, have talked with a number of officials, newspapermen and others.

Will Whitley fell asleep while curing tobacco at a barn on his farm on the night of August 3. Rouse, a one-armed neighborhood character, crept up and shot him dead. The reported confessions say Rouse was in the employ of Mrs. Whitley and Hayes, who desired to get Whitley out of the way. The price of the murder was $500. Rouse was never paid, he declares."

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Article: "Mrs. Whitley and Two Others Held on Murder Charge" -- September 5, 1921

The News and Observer, September 5, 1921

"The mystery surrounding the death of W. H. Whitley, prominent Walstonburg farmer, who was killed at a tobacco barn on his farm on the night of August 6, was cleared up this afternoon when Greene County authorities held Mrs. Sarah Whitley, wife of the deceased, Thomas Hayes, a neighbor, and Wright Rouse, one-armed negro, on charges of murder following their confession that they conspired to kill Mr. Whitley. All three were lodged in the Greene county jail without bail.

Offered Negro $500.
According to their statement Mrs. Whitley and Hayes, with whom the woman is said to have been infatuated, induced the negro to commit the crime in consideration of $500, which has never been paid by them. All are being held without bail. A statement implicating herself and Hayes and Rouse was made by Mrs. Whitley to the authorities after a twelve-hour session of the coroner's jury which has been investigating the case during the past several weeks. no threats of violence against the prisoners have been reported so far. Mrs. Whitley, who is 37 years old, apparently does not realize the seriousness of the charge against her, it was said.

Resumes Investigation.
On Friday afternoon the coroner's jury investigating the murder of the late W. H. Whitley, of the Walstonburg section, in Greene county, resumed its session at Snow Hill, which was adjourned from August 7 at the home of the deceased. After a hearing lasting from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 2 o'clock Saturday morning, the coroner's jury held without bail Mrs. Sarah Whitley, wife of the deceased, but again took an adjournment. The jail at Snow Hill being full of prisoners Mrs. Whitley was held under guard until she can be carried to a neighboring jail, where accommodations better than those of the Greene county jail can be secured.

Mrs. Whitley's Confession.
In both investigations before the coroner's jury Mrs. Whitley had shown a strong bearing. However, after her friends and the crowd had left, she wavered and under sharp questioning by deputies E. H. Suggs, E. E. Potter and C. E. Jones, later assisted by Sheriff J. E. Herring, she broke down and confessed, telling that her husband was killed by Wright Rouse, a one-armed negro freak doctor and fortune teller, in consideration of $500, which has not been paid, however. She also said that Wright Rouse was induced to commit the crime by herself and a neighbor, Tom Hayes, with whom she is said to have been infatuated and with whom se was indicted, but acquitted on a statutory charge in the Greene county court about a year ago. Hayes was said to have taken the negro to the place where Mr. Whitley was killed on the night of Aug. 6.

Hayes Interested.
All during the investigation at Snow Hill, Hayes was a most interested spectator and was often in the company of Mrs. Whitley and remained in the town an hour or more after the adjournment of the inquest.

The crime, the killing of W. H. Whitley, a wealthy and highly respected citizen, while asleep at his tobacco barn at or near the hour of 11 o'clock on the night of August 8, has considerably aroused the people of Greene county, especially the residents of the Walstonburg section. 

The first real light of the recent developments was furnished by J. B. Croom, Jr., since his arrest and confinement in the county jail on a forgery charge brought from De Soto county, Florida.

Following the confession of Mrs. Whitley, Hayes, and Rouse were placed in custody and both later made confessions, it is said."

Article: "Three Confess to Murder of Man at Tobacco Packhouse" -- September 3, 1921

The Daily Free Press, September 3, 1921

"The Sheriff's office at Snow Hill Saturday announced that three prisoners in the Greene County jail there had confessed to conspiring to murder Will Whitley, a Walstonburg farmer, Whitley was shot and killed while asleep at a tobacco barn early in August. 

Those held are Mrs. Whitley, widow of the man slain; Thomas Hayes, a farmer neighbor, and Wright Rouse, a negro. Rouse's alleged confession was to the effect that the woman and Hayes offered him $500 to commit the crime. He was not paid, he stated.

The Sheriff's office said Mrs. Whitley would be removed from Snow Hill to a prison elsewhere because of lack of accommodations for women prisoners. There had been no threats of violence, it was stated. Mrs. Whitley, who is 37 years of age, apparently does not realize the seriousness of the charge against her, it was said. The Sheriff's office stated that the confessions indicated an illicit love affair between the woman and Hayes led to the murder.

Rouse is a one-armed negro, something of a character in the Walstonburg section. The murder of Whitley was a particularly brutal crime. Mrs. Whitley's indifference has impressed officers, who believe she is incapable of appreciating the gravity of the crime."

Monday, August 2, 2021

Article: "Whitley Killing at Walstonburg Remains Mystery" -- August 10, 1921

The Raleigh News and Observer, August 10, 1921

"The killing of William Whitley, prominent Walstonburg farmer and merchant, remains apparently as much a mystery as on last Wednesday night when he was shot dead as he lay asleep in a wagon at his tobacco barn near his home. Dr. J. H. Harper, county coroner, summoned a jury and the dead man's wife and the three sons testified, but no other evidence has been taken. The verdict is awaited with keen interest in this section.

Sheriff J. E. Herring secured bloodhounds and hurried to the scene of the mysterious killing, but they did not take up any trail. Whitley was killed with a pistol, but no weapon of any kind has been found on the premises. Various rumors have been in circulation regarding sensational developments which have been in the air but they have so far proved to be unfounded. 

Contrary to report, there have been no steps taken to drain the well on the premises to find if there had been a weapon thrown in it. 

Testimony of Widow
Mrs. Whitley was placed on the stand to testify at the coroner's hearing. She told the jury that she had been with her husband at the tobacco curing barn as late as 11:30 o'clock and that shortly after midnight she heard a pistol shot. Her testimony was corroborated by her 16-year-old son.

An automobile, which she had purchased in June, had been the cause of family discord, she explained, as her husband had opposed its purchase. He refused to sign the note with her and she went ahead and bought it anyway, stating that she had told him that he should never ride in it.

Husband Jealous of Man
Tom Hayes a tenant on her husband's place until about two months ago when he moved to another farm, had gone riding with her in the car on several occasions, she admitted, and this had made her husband jealous of the man. She told of having been out with Hayes in the automobile at night and said they had been on friendly terms. 

She told of her husband having made threats against her and her sixteen-year old son, and that about a month ago he had attempted to strike her with a plank. She told him then, she said, that there would be no more to the plank business. 

None But Family There
On the evening of the death there had been no on on the premises, so far as she knew, except members of the family. It was the first night that her husband had stayed at the barn. She had been with him until late in the evening. She did not have a watch but she thought it was about 11:30 o'clock when she went into the house to go to bed. 

The boys were placed on the stand and told substantially the same story as the mother, according to those present at the hearing.

Whitley was a wealthy man and besides owning a large farm was associated with his brother in the mercantile business at Walstonburg. He was about 40 years old and his wife gives her age as 38.

Tom Hayes, who is now living about a mild from the Whitley home, is said to be about 30 years old, and is a married man."

Article: "Prominent Farmer and Merchant of Greene County Shot" -- August 5, 1921

The Daily Times, August 5, 1921

"Last night about midnight, while at his barn curing tobacco, Mr. Willie Whitley, a farmer and merchant who resides about a quarter of a mile from Walstonburg, a small town on the Norfolk and Southern railroad, some 18 miles east of Wilson was shot to death.

There is no clue to the perpetrator of the crime and the community is greatly aroused over the tragic and dastardly deed, especially in the view of the fact that Mr. Whitley was quiet and unassuming, and was not known to have enemy in the world. 

Bloodhounds were brought from Washington early this morning and are on the trail at noon as we go to press with the first edition of the Times. The coroners jury is also holding an inquest at this house. It was thought this morning that the funeral would be held this afternoon, but it is now thought unlikely since other evidence may be procured bearing on the situation.

Mr. Whitley was shot through the check while he was lying presumably asleep on a tobacco truck. He leaves a wife and six children. He was the son of Mr. John Henry Whitley, and the brother of Mr. John Whitley who runs a store in Walstonburg in which the dead man is interested. He is also related to parties in Wilson being the nephew of Mrs. J. H. Garris of this city. Tracks were found around the barn, and the dogs are now on this..."

Article: "Killed While Asleep At His Tobacco Barn" -- August 5, 1921

The Raleigh News and Observer, August 5, 1921

"William Whitley, prominent merchant and farmer of Walstonburg, 18 miles from Wilson, was shot and killed while asleep at his tobacco barn late last night. No clue to the identity of his slayer has been found. A sheriff's posse with bloodhounds are scouring the country in an effort to apprehend his assailant. Whitley leaves a wife and six children.

The coroner's jury took a recess at noon to await further developments. It is said that domestic trouble was the cause of the tragedy and a man in the neighborhood is suspected.

This is the second assassination to take place in this section in the past few days. Rev. Ennis Pearson was shot from ambush in Taylor's township in this county last week."

Article: "Wilson County Man Is Assassinated" -- August 4, 1921

Goldsboro Daily Argus, August 4, 1921

"Wilson, N.C., Aug. 4--William Whitley, a prominent farmer and merchant of Walstonburg, this county, was shot and killed last night while asleep at his tobacco barn, where he was curing tobacco. 

There is no clue to the guilty party, and today the sheriff and posses with blood hounds are scouring the whole neighborhood in an effort to trace the murderer.

Mr. Whitley leaves a wife and six children."

Article: "Farmer Killed While Asleep In His Barn" -- August 4, 1921

The High Point Enterprise, August 4, 1921

"WILSON, N.C., Aug. 4.--William Whitley, age 40, a prominent merchant and farmer of Walstonburg Greene County, 18 miles from Wilson was shot and killed while asleep in his tobacco barn late last night. No clue has been found to the identity of the assassins. A sheriff's Posse with bloodhounds is surrounding the country in search of the slayers. Whitley leaves a wife and six children."