Thursday, May 21, 2020

Article: "The Reunion in Snow Hill" -- May 21, 1891

Wilson Advance, May 21, 1891

Patriotic and Thrilling Speeches by Brave and Gallant Gentlemen. 

"Pursuant to custom there was a reunion of the surviving members of Co. A. 3rd Regt. N. C. T. in the Court House in this place today. Capt. H. H. Best, President of the Association called meeting to order. W. P. Ormand, Secretary, was at his post. Orderly Seargt R. A. Edwards called the roll, to which most of the survivors responded. Rev. J. T. Abernathy offered prayer, beautiful and touching, referring to the time when they fought for country, and that as they were valiant soldiers of the Cross. Letters were received and read from Col. W. L. DeRossett, Gen'l. Robert Ransom and Gen'l. Gaston Lewis expressing regret that they could not respond "in propria persona" to the kindly invitation to be present. 

In response to loud calls Capt. Swift Galloway who bears on his manly person the lasting evidence of his valor on the field of battle, arose and made a most capital speech, in which he reviewed the history of this noble company, depicting and describing in graphic and eloquent words the many scenes of carnage and of blood in which they held up the banner of the Southern Cross, and warmly applauded and commended the boys of Greene for keeping in fresh remembrance the days when along the fire-fringed front they battled for Southern rights and homes and firesides. Dr. E. H. Hornaday, Surgeon, was called for and he charmed and delighted the audience with a well timed, eloquent and patriotic speech. Mr. J. P. Heath, who proudly calls himself "one of the boys who never surrendered" came to the front and his effort was loudly applauded. Stonewall Jackson was his model, and in his eulogy of him he said that when he died he would be content to go where Jackson was that would be heaven for him. Old Primus, the faithful old colored man who followed the company through the war, said that he was proud to be here and to join them in remembering soldier days. 

Some fine music by the Greene County Brass Band interspersed the speeches. After the speeches dinner was announced, to which many others were invited. Greene County always famous for her splendid barbecue, tried on this occasion to excel her own reputation. 

Upon re-assembling an election of officers for the ensuing year was held, and the result was as follows: President, Capt. H. H. Best; First Vice-President, Jos. A. Darden; Second President, Capt. Swift Galloway; Secretary, W. P. Ormand ; Treasurer, W. Haywood Dail ; Chaplain, Rev. J. T. Abernathy. 

On motion Dr. E. H. Hornady, Rev. J. T. Abernathy and Capt. Swift Galloway were appointed a committee to prepare a memorial of our late comrade Capt. W. A. Darden who submitted the following: Whereas, Since our last reunion the hand of Death has removed from our Roster our beloved comrade Capt. William A. Darden, therefore be it resolved, that his old comrades in arms who knew his lofty character, his heroism and courage, his irreproachable character and fidelity to principle, desire to record their love for him and their veneration for his many virtues of head and heart. Resolved, that the whole career of William A. Darden was a noble lesson, and a splendid example, teaching and illustrating the value and beauty of a pure and honorable and righteous life. Resolved, that we tender our sincere condolence to the bereaved family of our deceased comrade. Resolved, that these proceedings be spread upon the minutes of our association; that a copy of the same be forwarded to the family of  Capt. Darden, that a copy be furnished to the Wilmington Messenger, the Argus and the Wilson Advance and Mirror for publication. Swift Galloway, E. H. Hornaday,  J. T. Abernathy } Com., The report was unanimously adopted.

 Motion by J. P. Heath that the ladies be invited to attend our reunions in the future-adopted. Motion adopted that the members of the Greene County Brass Band also John Sugg, Esq., be made honorary members of this association. Motion adopted that the Treasurer, upon application, be empowered and instructed to apply any funds in his hands to the relief of any needy brothers. 

The following named gentlemen were elected the committee of arrangements for the next reunion: R. A. Edwards, Joseph Turnage, Jas. W. Taylor, W. H. Dail and B. F. Albritton. The following named gentlemen Eli Darden, of the 43d N. C. T ; O. Frizzelle, 5th N. C. C ; J. B. Murphrey 27th N. C. T ; J. H. Newell 66th N. C. T ; I. C. Edwards 40th N. C. T; Hardy Sugg 66th N. C. T., made application for membership and were received. Motion adopted that the son of any member of this association who is eighteen years old shall be admitted as a member upon application. 

The association in a body headed by the band then proceeded to the grave of Capt. J. H. Albritton and there 'neath the sighing pines communed with the spirit of the brave and gallant brother whose life battle fought, sleeps his everlasting sleep. "In the sweet bye and bye" was here most beautifully, touchingly, and appropriately rendered. Repairing to the Court House the benediction was pronounced by the Chaplain, and during the playing of "God be with you till we meet again" the crowd dispersed to meet again April 23rd, 1892. 
H.H.. Best, Pres. 
W. P. Ormand, Sect'y. "

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