Sunday, June 23, 2019

Last Will and Testament: Seth SPEIGHT Sr. (1773-1857)


I, SETH SPEIGHT, SR. being weak in body, but thank God enjoying the full use of my mental faculties, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and form following, to wit:


I give and bequeath unto my son SETH SPEIGHT the following tract of land, viz: beginning at the mouth of Watry Branch on the North side of Great Contentnea Creek and running with WILLIAM SPEIGHT's line to his corner a post oak, then with his other line to his corner a hickory, then with LANGSTON'S line to his corner a post oak, then with his said LANGSTON 's other line to JOHN GAINY's beginning corner, a pine then WILLIAM SPEIGHT's line to his corner, then with his other line to a point opposite the head of Pig Pen Branch, then down the various courses of said branch to the place where said branch, Swift's Branch, and a small branch making into dry swamp part, then down the various courses of the said small branch to the dry swamp then down the various courses of dry swamp to the Polly Causy Branch, then along the various courses of said branch to the head of Dry Marsh, then down the various courses of the Dry Marsh to SAMUEL VINE's Line, then with the several courses and distances of said VINE 's line to Contentnea Creek at a place called the Old hedge, then down the various courses of said creek to the beginning, containing 600 acres more or less in two plantations.

I also give unto my son SETH one negro man, Peter, a yellow sorrell mare called Blaze, one half of the stock of cattle now on the aforesaid two plantations, one gun, one bed and furniture to him the said SETH, his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my son HENRY SPEIGHT that tract of land lying on the north side of the 600 acres more or less bequeathed to my son SETH bounded by THOS. HALL's, JOSEPH WINSLOW's, DELIJAH DANIELS and WILLIAM SPEIGHT's lands containing two plantations and also containing 600 acres more or less. I also give unto my said son HENRY one negro girl named Sarah, one bay mare had of DAVID PEAL, the remaining half of my stock of cattle on my upper plantations not given to my son SETH, one gun and bed and furniture to him, the said HENRY, his heirs and assigns forever .


I give and bequeath to my son THOMAS SPEIGHT 600 acres, more or less, of land on the South side of THOMPSON's swamp, including the plantation where ISAAC HAYES formerly lived, one negro boy named Ben, one small horse called Mark, one small gun, two cows and calves out of my stock at home, one bed and furniture, to him the said THOMAS SPEIGHT his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath unto my son LEMON SPEIGHT the plantation whereon I now live and all the lands and several tracts of land to me belonging adjoining thereto, only reserve to my brother WILLIAM SPEIGHT that part which he lives on and has occupied during the term of his natural life.
I also give to my said son LEMON a negro boy named Simon, two cows and calves, one gray horse called Traveller, one bed and furniture, to him my said son LEMON SPEIGHT his heirs and assigns forever.

Furthermore, my will and desire is that if either of my three sons, SETH, HENRY or LEMON before they come to full age should die, the tract of land given to each of them shall be the property of my son THOMAS, his heirs and assigns forever and the tract of land before given to the said THOMAS be the property of my three daughters POLLY VINES SPEIGHT, NANCY HOWE SPEIGHT and FANNY SPEIGHT.


I give unto my daughter POLLY VINES SPEIGHT one negro girl named Peggy, one negro child named Nelly with their increase, one bed and furniture, two cows and calves, one mare colt, to her my said daughter POLLY VINES and her heirs forever.


I give to my daughter NANCY HOWE SPEIGHT a negro girl named Cherry, one half of a negro woman named Cressy, one bed and furniture, two cows and calves, to her, my said daughter NANCY HOWE SPEIGHT her heirs and assigns fore ver.


I give unto my daughter FANNY SPEIGHT the other half of the young negro woman named Cressy and also one other negro girl named Patience, one bed and furniture, if it can be made out of the house and if not the value thereof out of what may be sold of my personal property, two cows and calves to her, my said daughter FANNY her heirs and assigns forever.

Further my will and desire is that deceased wife's clothes be divided among my three above named daughters, also that six barrels of brandy and one riding mare be sold, my money in hand and what is due me either by note or otherwise and all said moneys be applied to the schooling of my children.
I give and bequeath unto my son THOMAS SPEIGHT that tract of land called the Cross Rock Neck to him and his heirs forever.

I furthermore will and desire that all my stock of hogs, sheep and remaining cattle my blacksmith tools, coopers and carpenters tools all my plantation utensils and what of my house hold and kitchen furniture is not before willed away may remain on my home plantation and be for the joint use of my two sons SETH and HENRY whom I wish both also jointly to live on and occupy for their use my said plantation provided they take care of and raise my two youngest sons during the space of seven years or longer, if my executors think fit.


I also give to my daughter FANNY SPEIGHT one negro woman named Hanna with her increase to her my said daughter and her heirs forever.

It is further my will and desire that my part or share of all the negroes not before willed away shall be equally divided among my four sons. It likewise is my will and desire that my half of the still and all my casks and my apple mill be the property of my son LEMON SPEIGHT reserving to my son SETH SPEIGHT the apple mill and casks at the upper plantation.

I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my brother WILLIAM SPEIGHT and my two sons WILLIAM VINES SPEIGHT and SETH SPEIGHT executors of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 12th day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of



[Note: A codicil was made 8 June 1800 which revokes the appointment of his brother, WILLIAM SPEIGHT, as an executor, and "my friend" BENJAMIN MAY JUNIOR of Pitt County, N.C., substituted. Also, a legacy was given to N ANNIE MAGEE "in consideration of her kindness to me during my illness..." Witnesses to the codicil: SAMUEL SPEIGHT Sr., WILLIAM CLEMENTS, SILAS WALSTON.]

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