Sunday, July 26, 2020

Article: "Snow Hill Citizen Sends Bullet Through His Head at Wilson" -- July 31, 1914

 The Eastern Reflector, July 31, 1914

"WILSON, July 26—Within 15 minutes after his arrival here of six o' clock tonight Joe Bunn, a white man of Snow Hill, was a suicide in a questionable resort and no cause can be assigned for the deed. Alighting from the train from Snow Hill, Bunn went immediately to the house of Cora Judy, a white woman of bad reputation. He was received into the house and immediately took up his position on the lid of a small trunk. He appeared ill at ease, nervous and excited. In a few moments he requested a room on the second floor, then he asked for a glass of water, and while she was down stairs for the water she heard a pistol shot. Another inmate of the house rushed into the room and found Bunn entirely nude, stretched out on the bed, with his hand tightly clutched a revolver lying across his chest, and a gaping bullet hole in his forehead. Search of his clothes failed to reveal any cause of the rash act. A dozen cigarettes were found in the pockets, four revolver cartridges, seventy cents in cash, and a blank check of Dixon, Hicks & Company, merchants of Snow Hill. The body was at once prepared for burial. His remains were shipped to Snow Hill this afternoon."